Hundure Access Control (Campus / Education)

 Hundure solution enhance campus security and integrates all school applications in one card

Campus security is getting more and more imperative. How to enhance the security to protect the students and faculty is turning to a challenge to campus management. How to prevent theft, intruder, vandalism to make the campus a safer place to live, study, and work? And what more, how to make management easier to integrate roll call system, power saving, meal service, parking solution, elevator control, equipment booking system and campus card in one solution? We offer a total solution on campus application

Power saving solution has been applied to some universities to save electricity on air conditioning, lighting or projector. According to statistics, the power saving efficiency can reach 30% ~ 50%.

In some campus application, the dormitory curfew management is implemented and the solution need to follow the curfew time to provide the reports or deliver the message for those students who miss the curfew time

Our solutions allow you to build a much safer campus , well organized all routine campus jobs and save your power consumption efficiently


CCTI ASIA CO,. LTD. (Phnom penh, Cambodia)

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